As an expert volunteer bicycle I am often on choosing a bicycle to the questioner asked, or for a gift. It's really not as easy as it seems.
Of course, you can simply down to your local discount department stores such as Wal-Mart and Target and dropped from 50 to 200.00 for a bike. In fact, this is what to do 7 of 10 people. Wal-Mart is the largest distributor of bicycles in the United States. Target and other discount stores also sell many bikes.While most of these bikes are bought by adults as gifts for children, many are purchased for adults, in fact,
In fact, in 1997 my wife and I in a competition called the Body for Life, body transformation contest. We went to the local Wal-Mart and bought two bikes, one for each of us, and we drove back and forth to the gym where we worked it out. In 1998 I took the bike a "Roadmaster 26 for a trip around South Georgia to help raise funds for Bikes or Bust, which is operated bytoys for the youngest organization of Marine Corps Reserve. Personally, I rode the bike 50 miles a day for 3 days. At that moment full suspension bikes were really just on the market. The Roadmaster has not been completely and had to be purchased for 49.00 plus tax. Give a new office and some additional hand positions bar ends are the only things I added, which doubles the total cost of the bike.
In an effort to support the trip, I met some really nice people, to improvecycle and were loved members of the club bike pedalers Pecan City of Albany, Georgia. We sort of adopted each other, and are now a member and have been since 2000.
So how does the bike right and what you want for a reasonable price?
If the wheel is for a child, you can probably go almost entirely on the size and age o. Becomes more complicated, however. There are many types of bicycles such as BMX, road cycling and mountain biking. BMXIs heard at the cruisers term used to describe a bike that looks like a solid mountain bike frame, but it's just a cog. There are also differences in mountain biking are there, what is called a hard tail and full suspension bikes. For road bikes, and you hear a lot about carbon, titanium, steel, aluminum and ALLUX Cromoly and can be very confusing.
Here is my suggestion, first decide what the wheel can be used for. It will be for fitness, funTo escape into your heart, or always plan the next Lance Armstrong? I do not know a lot of money on every piece of equipment operation as long as I'm not sure I use it. Personally I put more than 500 miles a month on my bike and I know that people here in South Georgia, which have almost double the amount, so I have two bikes and one of the highest quality to make a huge OCR2 Specialized Shipping.
My nephew has a Little Giant Frantic, he BMX track in the race, butfor his birthday, when he turned 9, we bought a new SE Ripper X, which is about the best of the best when it comes to BMX racing, Redline and Diamondback fans sorry to come.
If you are getting the bicycle as a way to schedule some exercise, then you can probably get a nice bike to collect any department store in 70 to 80% of bikes for this reason has purchased usually end up in the garage until it sells a flea market anyway.
If you're on a bike for a concrete planThe aim, as we were for our grandchildren, then you buy the best you can afford. Why should almost always take a good quality store. A good shop will help you choose a bike that suits your needs or the needs of the person who always mount the wheel for themselves. You can use special equipment or accessories that you need help. A good business can tell you where you can meet other local cyclists with the same interests, and any business a good position, a practical serviceeverything you will ever need to be repaired. Often a business you get a good deal on a used bike, saving hundreds of dollars.
For example, I had ridden a bike for years, and while I thought I'd try I have not really ran an extra 1000.00 on a new one I wanted was to buy. Jim Lau owns Cycle World in Albany, Georgia. He looked for a good used bike for me, it happens after a while 'that a man came into his shop and has negotiated a 1-year-old giant of a new OCR2Trek Madone. Jim said the giant had less than 800 miles on the odometer, and would have sold at 800.00. It 'been very busy, so I bought it. I brought two sets of tires on it since I bought in September last year. I took the bike Olympic Gold in 2007 and won two silver medals and a bronze medal. That was less than a month after I have collected them.
If we look to our grandchildren a new bike, we went to a shop specializing in BMX bike. The closest store that had the bikes SE wasColumbus, Georgia, so we met Aaron Oney and found not only a good bicycle shop and a lot with the bike, but also a new friend. This is another advantage would go to a store and not as a discounter. They are much more likely to combine with the owner of a shop as an employee at a large discount. Now I have friends from all over Georgia and other states like Alabama, Ohio and Texas that have bike shops. These are people who did not know before you start driving.
So basicallyit really depends on what you plan to use the bike and how much money you are willing to invest in motion and how much time you have the wheel and the right experience. If you want to get the best quality bike, a bike shop is your only answer.